Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My 30 ways of leading business

1. Drop it!. The most effective way to complite ur work - just drop it from the "to do" list. If it's not nessecery to do - just put it off from the list.

2. Everyday goals. It's easy to waste your time on unnessecery work, if you are not consantrated on main. Put goals on next day. Thinks, that it's very important to do; next day - do that.

3. The most unpleasent - first. To cope with your work complitly, you should the most unpleasent work at first. The smallest winnning will help your at the end of the day.

4. Rush time. Think about the time, when you are the most efficiency and plan for this time the most important problems. Work with less important problems during less productive time.

5. Untouchable zone. For work, it's important to make the maximal concentration, allocate time intervals in which you should not be disturbed. For example, at the library. Make less important work in office.

6. Make goals. To keep doing your work, you should make goals for it. For example, if you write a book, you should make a goal - to keep writing till 1000 letter. And don't stop writing till this goal.

7. Timeboxing. To move your problems from dead point make a timebox, for example 30 minutes. Do not care about finnishing it, just do it fo 30 minutes.

8. Pocket mode. Make same work in a group and do it at one sit.

9. Morning bird. Wake in the morning at 5 o'clock and start doing you job. Soon, you will notice that someone can not do the work all day while you do it for 3 hours, from 5 to 8 o'clock.

10. Silents corner. Take your notebook with and go to the silent place without any communication devices. It will increase you productivity.

11. Speed rate. Make your everyday speed rate. Speed rate for writing, speed rate for reading, for talking. It finally increase your free time.

12. Chillout. Degrees your stress, making chillout and calm work place.

13. The meeting plan. Make a meeting plan for you clients. It will increase the effect of meeting.

14. Paretto. The Paretto formula is to make 80% of something, which needs the 20% of your effort.

15. Oneday. Try to do the maximum for the day. Do it from the point when you make a goal.

16. 1 minute man. When you get an information, you have 1 minute to make a choice. And after this 1 minute you have to have the finall result.

17. Deadline. Make the deadline of your problem. It will help you to plan your work.

18 Speaking. Tell people about your plans; they will help you not to drop them.

19. Punсtuality. ALWAYS be a puctual. Arive at time or a bit early.

20. Short reading. Use reading to fill the pause of waiting. For man, when you are shaving, you can easly read a book. Finally, 365 articles a year ;)

21. Resonanse. Vizualize your goals like they are already done. Try to fill the final goal. Make it real in your mind and finaly you will get it.

22. Prize. Make a small prizes for yourself. When you done something, go to the cinema. Make a rest.

23. To be continue. At the end of the day, make a list of things that you should do tommorow.

24. Share and do. Share the most important and difficult problems and do them. Concantrate on one piece and finnish it.

25. One goal at the time. When you do something, do not switch on another one. If something you need to do too, just write it to remember it.

26. Randomly. If you don't start to do something, just take randomly something to do. Make a call. Write 42 pages of your book.

27. Make badly. Make something really badly, badly design, badly book. And it will show you the problems and help you to fix and update it.

28. 30 days. Make a habit which wish to develop and promise to devote to it only 30 days. The time obligation is always easier for constraining, rather than termless.

29. Mates. Make someone to do that.

30. Intuition. Listen to yourself. It will help you.

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