Sunday, May 18, 2008

Web Browsers to Use

Nowdays, there are a lot of Internet programms to surf with - called Web Browsers. The most popular is IE - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, Flock and AOL Explorer. Usually webmasters as I prefer 2-3 of them, I always use Firefox and IE only for checking the correct position of rows and colomns, because there is some coding differences between this 2 web browsers - for one the web can be well done, but for others it can be a little bit moved.

Here is an example in one of my projects:

internet explorer firefox

Why I am using Firefox? Because there are a lot of additional plugins and addons for SEO and usefull features for webmaster: PageRank, backlinks, index in all Serps (Search engines), Alexa rank, dmoz dir, domain lookup and so on... very usefull :)

So, I would like to know, what web browser do You use?

feedburner Google Bookmarks propeller StumbleUpon Toolbar